LANGaware for Digital Solutions

Integrate your digital solution with a holistic screening tool for mental and cognitive health by using our advanced AI technology.

Empowering digital health companies to objectively and efficiently assess and track an individual’s cognitive and mental health conditions on a scalable basis, ensuring convenience for patients.


LANGaware’s proprietary technology can seamlessly be integrated into a digital solution using our API. Our cloud-based solution, known for its remarkable scalability and platform flexibility, seamlessly integrates. Our solution provides engaging and accessible assessments for mental and cognitive health.

Seamless Integration

Integrate with digital solution for a holistic approach

Multiple ways to integrate

Enhance Access and Engagement

Accurate, accessible and less complicated

Digital disease management

Monitoring capabilities

Valuable Data and Insights

Data driven assessments

Minimize patient’s biases

Track cognitive and mental health trends

Improve Outcomes and Satisfaction

Enhance access and engagement with virtual assessment

Early detection of diseases

Encourage early intervention

Ready to Increase Patient Access to Screening?

See how LANGaware is changing the way digital health companies screen and monitor their patients.