LANGaware for Mental Health

Depression and Anxiety Testing with LANGaware’s Advanced AI Solution.

Introducing LANGaware’s solution for mental and behavioral health. 

Our solution enables greater insight into an individual’s mental health status and is scalable to reach a larger population.

Did you know that depression is one of the most common mental health conditions and when left untreated can create additional health issues?

Welcome to LANGaware, where we’re revolutionizing depression diagnostics through cutting-edge AI tools using voice and speech biomarkers. Our mission is to provide unparalleled accuracy, speed, accessibility, and convenience in the diagnosis of depression by leveraging speech analysis and proprietary voice and speech biomarkers.

Our Vision

At LANGaware, we envision a world where early and accurate depression detection is accessible to all. Through our innovative technology, we’re reshaping the way depression is diagnosed and treated.

The Power of Partnership

We understand that our strength lies in collaboration.


By partnering with LANGaware, you gain the power to transform depression diagnostics and provide exceptional care to those in need.


Our technology enhances diagnostic accuracy and speed, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes.

Key Features and Benefits

Advanced AI Tools

We harness the latest AI advancements to ensure the highest level of accuracy in depression diagnostics.

Early Detection

Our solution is designed to identify depression in its early stages, facilitating prompt intervention and treatment.


LANGaware’s cutting-edge depression diagnostics are within reach for healthcare providers and patients alike. LANGAware can be completed in-person or remotely. 

Proprietary Voice and Speech Biomarkers

Our unique approach provides unmatched precision in identifying depression.

Through AI

We equip our partners with valuable insights, enabling informed decisions in the treatment of depression.

Join the LANGaware Revolution in Depression Diagnostics

Are you ready to be part of the revolution in depression and anxiety testing? Join LANGaware and be at the forefront of innovation, as we work together to improve lives and make a difference in the fight against depression.


If you have any questions or would like to explore a partnership with LANGaware for depression diagnostics, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re here to support you on your journey to more accurate and compassionate depression diagnosis and treatment.

Ready to Transform Lives?

See how LANGaware is revolutionizing mental health diagnostics.